Recently MountainView recently played host to mom Korrie and her husband Kendall for the birth of their baby, McKinleigh. This was not the first time they have been guests at MountainView – Korrie has chosen MountainView to give birth six times! Korrie and her husband have seven children, with their first child was born at another local hospital.

“We just like the nurses and doctors who deliver here,” Korrie said as McKinleigh slept peacefully in the bassinet near her bed.

Kendall said they appreciate the caring, personal atmosphere. He said over the years, they have connected with the nurses.

The couple, who have five boys and now two girls, said she always refers people to MountainView to have their baby because she feels the staff care for each and every patient as an individual.

“You are not just a patient, they want to know you,” she said. “I don’t just want a birth experience, I want a birth experience where they know me as a person.”

This time, her birthing experience didn’t quite go according to plan. She came in for a scheduled induction, but ended up having to have an emergency caesarian section.

Despite the rapid change of plans and the uncertainty that comes with that, Korrie said she felt like she was in good hands the entire time.

“My nurse communicated very well, she told me ‘This is what we are going to do, these are the steps,’ so we were comfortable with what was happening,” Korrie said.

Kendall said he agreed and that the transparency of the nurses and staff every step of the way is important.

Additionally, Korrie said she enjoys the changes to the unit since she last visited, including the celebration dinner and cake for her and her husband.

Congratulations to Korrie, Kendall on their new baby girl and their growing family!