Please do not request medical records via this form—all requests for medical records will be redirected to the medical records department. Learn how to request medical records.

To find out about career opportunities, please visit the career section of our website.

We cannot give updates via this portal and we encourage applicants to review their application status via the online application portal, or with the recruiter, if applicable.

Employment verification cannot be given via this form. Thomas and Company is used for employment verification and can be reached at (615) 620-0569.

To find an affiliated physician near you, please call (702) 962-5021. For information on our high-quality health services, please call our main number (702) 962-5000. If you have a patient care concern, please call us at (702) 962-9273.

Fill out the form below for general Internet communication. Do not include sensitive items such as social security numbers, diagnosis information, credit card numbers, or any other information you would consider to be sensitive.

All fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

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