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Top Health Problems Men Should Not Avoid

Did you know that men are more likely than women to ignore or downplay symptoms when they visit their healthcare provider? Staying quiet, however, may raise the risk for serious health problems. Even if you feel fine, visiting your provider annually is an important way to catch problems ahead of time, and provide you with a comfortable environment to discuss any health concerns you may have.

Dr. Hossein Akhondi, Internal Medicine provider at MountainView Medical Associates, shares common health concerns and issues men face and how you can take charge.

  1. Practice and maintain a healthy diet and exercise: Men have the tendency to lack a well-balanced diet. Dr. Akhondi explains that in order to maintain a healthy body and mind, bad diets of the wrong foods or excessive portions cannot be canceled out with exercise.
  2. Watch alcohol consumption and smoking habits: Dr. Akhondi highly recommends that men quit smoking and drink responsibly as later health issues may arise.
  3. Know when to visit your primary care physician: Men should take their health more seriously and seek doctor visits as they approach age 50. Dr. Akhondi explains visiting your primary care physician will help you assess any problems in a timely manner and learn how to maintain good health. Here’s how often Dr. Akhondi recommends you seek out doctors for common health issues in men:
    • Colonoscopy screenings: Every 10 years beginning at the age of 45.
    • Physical exams: Yearly physical check-ups can help you stay aware of how your general health is doing including cholesterol and blood sugar levels. If cholesterol levels are abnormal, yearly exams are recommended, but normal levels can be checked in every three years. Physical exams can include prostate examination as well.
    • Prostate exams: Yearly prostate exams are recommended by Dr. Akhondi. Prostates grow with age and is a normal process for males. Symptoms that indicate you should visit your doctor are frequent bathroom use and difficulty urinating. Not addressing prostate issues quickly can lead to a lower quality of life. If caught in time, the need for surgical treatment options can be minimized through examinations and medications.

Additionally, Dr. Akhondi advises against the use of taking hormone supplements, and encourages taking care of your psychological and mental health.

Studies dating back to the 1990’s have shown hormonal supplements used in women resulted in complications, clots, and cancers. Side effects have been seen in men as well. “Supplementing is not necessary unless there is a medical condition that requires it,” says Dr. Akhondi. “Abuse of hormone supplements such as testosterone to build muscles, will eventually result in imbalance of hormones which can affect your overall health later on.”

As men reach 50 years of age, Dr. Akhondi encourages men to also take care of their psychological and mental health as many experience middle life crises. “Checking in with your psychological and mental health is very important as you age,” says Dr. Akhondi. “I recommend my patients practice activities that they enjoy to relieve the stress, such as meditation, watching movies, spending time with loved ones, and participating in humanitarian works.”

Remember, as we move forward during this uncertain time, your health and wellness are our top priority. Investing in your health today can help improve your quality of life in the years to come.

MountainView Hospital Medical Associates and its providers are equipped and ready to serve you and your medical needs. Please call (702) 962-9550 or visit our website for more information or to schedule your next appointment: Mountainview Medical's website.