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Celebrating a safe Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and is a time of traditions and being with family, friends and loved ones. But with the COVID-19 pandemic’s prominence and the rise of flu season, many traditions will be put on hold or look a little different, and many might spend the holidays away from family and friends due to travel restrictions and safety concerns.

Changing traditions presents an opportunity to think outside the box in celebrating the holiday in a safe and special way with the people in your household, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states.

The CDC has created a guideline to help you and your loved ones enjoy a safe Thanksgiving holiday:

Wear a mask

  • Wear the mask over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin
  • Make sure the mask fits snugly against the sides of your face
  • Wear a mask with two or more layers to stop the spread of COVID-19

Stay at least six feet away from others who do not live with you

  • Remember that some people can show no symptoms, but they are still able to spread COVID-19
    or the flu
  • Keeping at least six feet, or at least two arm lengths, from other is especially important for people who are at a higher risk of getting sick.

Continue to practice good hand hygiene

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Keep hand sanitizer with you and use it when you are unable to wash your hands
  • Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol

Consider other Thanksgiving activities:

Host a virtual-giving meal

Schedule a time to virtually share a meal with friends and family who don’t live with you! You can also make it fun by sharing recipes, and showing the turkey, dressing or other dishes prepared.

Enjoy spending time with people in your household

This may be a good time to enjoy catching up on movies, shows, sports and the Thanksgiving Day parades with those in your household. Switch it up and play fun games or piece puzzles, too!

Experience contactless shopping

Online shopping has been incorporated into our daily routine for a while, and can be very instrumental this year in grabbing those online sales the day after Thanksgiving, leading up to the winter holidays. Opt in for contactless serves for purchased items, like curbside pick-ups. Open air markets, such as farmers markets, are also a fun alternative to shopping; just be mindful of staying at least six feet away from others.

Spread the love

There is still plenty of love and care to go out even from a distance! One thing you can do is safely prepare traditional dishes and deliver them to family, friends and neighbors in a way that does not involve contact with others, like leaving them on the porch. You can also engage in a gratitude activity such as writing down things you are grateful for and sharing with your family and friends. Lastly, the pandemic has brought upon hardships for many and you can play a part in supporting your community by donating to local food banks or donating to a local organization or charity that’s meaningful to you.

Visit the CDC to learn more about the safe ways you can enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday. As flu season is to overlap with the pandemic, it’s as important as ever to take action and take preventative measures to protect yourself and your loved ones from both viruses.